Apparently visa offers an automatic credit card information update to merchants who regularly do a recurring charge on your credit card. You get a new card with either a new expiration date or a new card number and visa updates all of those merchants with the new information. Obgrxp7pvr2ypm Are visa provisioning service $0 pending transactions normal or something ing are doing or should i be worried? What is visa provisioning service $0 . Instead a token gets sent. Service pa chicago il card0146; A visa provisioning service fee should show as zero ($0) on your account. Found on austria, colombia and colombia. Visa provisioning fee i just signed up bank australia and went to deposit money and set up a pple pay. As one of the world’s largest electronic payments networks, visanet is dedicated to visa’s vision of providing consumers, businesses and governments with the best way to pay and be paid. Also, it’s especially popular with merchants using e. We at first thoug...